Chief Scientist Workshop - July 2011 » scienceparty Mentoring our seagoing scientists Wed, 14 Sep 2011 18:28:03 +0000 en hourly 1 Just a quick nap… Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:36:56 +0000 scienceparty

Dr. Hintz waiting for the CTD. Photo by K. Null

As we steam ahead and power through our stations collecting as many samples as possible, the long days and interrupted sleep start to take a toll. You might find a scientist taking a catnap waiting for the CTD or corer.

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Sampling success; waffles Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:01:04 +0000 scienceparty Continue reading ]]> Today started early with another exciting CTD cast.  In keeping with our mission to learn about troubleshooting research cruises as chief scientists, we had a few trivial problems with our early cast this morning. Thanks to our supertechs, we were back up and running in no time at all!

After that, we breakfasted heartily on waffles (in a word, magical), fruit, and bacon.  And, of course, coffee.

The rest of the day was picture-perfect, weather- and science ops-wise. As we speak, we are speeding towards station 5! Time flies when you’re training to be a chief scientist! Another late night ahead, but spirits are high.

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Back to the coast Mon, 11 Jul 2011 11:24:06 +0000 scienceparty Continue reading ]]> We are minutes away from the innermost station on our second transect and are back in sight of the coast. The winds have relaxed and the water has been glassy over the last few days. They tell us the Oregon shelf isn’t always like this . . . ]]> 0 CTD on hiatus? Mon, 11 Jul 2011 02:32:19 +0000 scienceparty Continue reading ]]> Breaking news: we have lost communication with our CTD.  The CTD is an instrument package that measures Conductivity [similar to salinity], Temperature, and Depth.  It is usually associated with a series of special water sampling bottles that can be triggered to take samples from the ship, at the salinity/temperature/etc. of interest.  The instrument package is run through a computer on the deck that is operated by scientists.  It has been working super smoothly throughout the entire cruise, but suddenly tonight, we lost communication with it!  We quickly brought it back on deck and our wonderful marine technician, Darryl, is troubleshooting.  Stay tuned!  Sarah estimates the instrument will be working in about 15 minutes.

In other news, tonight’s dinner was the best one yet!  Lasagna, ceasar salad, and blackberry pie a la mode.  Thanks, Doug and John!

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Ahead of schedule Sun, 10 Jul 2011 18:22:12 +0000 scienceparty Continue reading ]]> Sea conditions are ideal today and the work proceeds ahead of schedule. Not bad for first-time chief scientists! Fun are RHIB operations to collect the sea-surface microlayer with glass plates. It takes about 200 dips of the plates per sample. There are many volunteers to help. ]]> 0 Up late Saturday night Sun, 10 Jul 2011 05:38:00 +0000 scienceparty Continue reading ]]> Well, it’s 22:30 on Saturday and we are up in the lab! The CTD is in the water and we are recording data and getting ready for a long night of sampling and filtering. The mood is jovial – for now! ]]> 0