Comments on: What To Do When You’re On a Boat Mentoring our sea-going scientists Sun, 15 Jun 2014 19:14:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Tuorto Wed, 11 Jun 2014 16:33:15 +0000 Hello Maia,
I have not read this book yet, but I will look into it. I am not sure about everyone else.

We try to never alter our experimental plan to get expected results. That would be bad science. We do design our experiments based on a hypothesis, which is what we expect to happen. But very often the results do not look like what we expected, and this is what creates more scientific questions. Some of the best science comes from finding something you didn’t expect!

By: Maia W Wed, 11 Jun 2014 11:51:36 +0000 1) Has anyone on board read The Fault In Our Stars
2) How many times would you alter an experiment to find the results you wanted, if not found originally
