Obviously, science is the reason we’re out here, but when you go on these big research trips it’s important to have goals beyond the science you hope to accomplish. Climbing a mountain near your field area, or something along those lines. It’s good for your sanity.
I have always wanted to see dolphins swimming along the bow of a ship that I’m on, and when I heard we were going to sea off southern California (were that often happens) I really hoped to get some pictures of it. And oh man, did I get some pictures of it:
Soon after this, the bridge radioed down to say that there were a bunch of baby Mola Mola (aka, sunfish) swimming underneath a clump of kelp on the port side while we were stopped to deploy a CTD. More people ran on deck to see the Mola Mola than to see the dolphins. I was not able to get a picture of those, sadly, but they were cool.
My other main non-science goal is to use every condiment that’s laid out on the tables in the galley (there’s about a dozen various sauces at each table). I feel good about my progress toward this goal, too, and will keep you updated as I move forward with it.
Posted by Chris