Chief-Scientist-In-Training Dr. Molly Patterson studiously works on a sampling plan. (Photo: Dr. Alysia Cox)
Ever wondered how to plan your own research voyage? Concerned that you might forget something important or not quite sure where to start? The UNOLS Chief Scientist Training Cruise will cover all of the gritty details and more! We’ve been at sea almost a week and have learned many of the things we would need to know to execute our own research voyage ranging from how to submit a proposal to NSF with a ship time request, to communicating with the crew and science party, to how one properly analyzes CTD data post-cruise. Our mentors have been instrumental in sharing their positive (and negative) experiences with us as we walked through the process of successful cruise planning and execution. Rapport is excellent as we co-chief scientists are all learning the ropes together. Definitely highly recommended to participate in one of these cruises if you are at all interested in becoming a well-prepared chief scientist!
Posted by Alysia Cox