The ‘ologies of education

As an ocean-going scientist, life at sea is a wonderful mixture of gaining perspective and enjoying the exploration of your own enchantments…otherwise known as science experiments.  Perspective comes from looking at our world, the majority of which is water, and appreciating how small each individual person is in comparison, yet understanding we all have the potential for a positive contribution that can bring new scientific findings to the forefront of the classroom (and beyond!).  We, including you, are like a box of Legos.  We each have all of the pieces, yet with the endless combinations for new creations, it is how we put them together that makes us unique.  And, when several ocean-going scientists come together fun and new ideas abound, bringing together new combinations of science.  How are such accomplishments made?  Through the ‘ologies (biology, ecology, geology, physiology, etc…) of education of course, and these ‘ologies are being combined during this University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) 2014 Chief Scientist Training Cruise.

As a pteropodologist (or science person who studies pteropods), I am also an artist…one of my pieces per se.  And, as science and art are synonyms (type the word “science” into your word processor then select it and press Shift + F7 on your PC to be sure) it is a pleasure to photograph the thrills of discovery each day of this research cruise.  From photographs of small animated ocean animals, to charismatic mega-fauna, images help tell an engaging story.  Here is a small collection of photographs I have taken during this research cruise and I invite YOU to tell me creatively, scientifically, and constructively what you think the story is behind one of them!

Paul Suprenand, Ph.D.

I in the Iris

I in the Iris

Ladies of Science

Ladies of Science

Night into Day

Night into Day

Atlanta inflata

Atlanta inflata

A Shot of Jon with Krill

A Shot of Jon with Krill

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