Tag Archives: Sikuliaq

Bern McKiernan facilitates Sikuliaq science with a great attitude

Published on: Author: cswauthor

by Christina Wertman, University of Rhode Island With his remarkable beard, positive attitude and colorful shirts, Bern McKiernan is a pleasure to sail with on the R/V Sikuliaq. Bern has been working as a marine technician on the R/V Sikuliaq since operations started in 2014. A marine technician is the liaison between the ship’s crew… Continue reading

Ode to mud

Published on: Author: cswauthor

by Jake Beam, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences I want to understand how microbes are relevant to the carbon cycle in energy-limited, deep-sea muds, and what they are eating down in the eternal darkness of the abyss. After a few days steaming from Honolulu across the wide expanse that is the Pacific Ocean, we had… Continue reading