Daily Summary: R/V Revelle completed MCS lines 9-13 with one sound source and one compressor; the multibeam and echosounder were synced to improve data quality. At 02:31 UTC, a possible gas seep was noticed in the multibeam data. The sound source was turned off at 4:15 UTC for about 10 minutes for compressor maintenance. Multibeam was turned off at 4:45 UTC for 2 hours during a turn in shallow water which was causing poor data quality. Once in deeper water, the multibeam was turned on again for the remaining lines. The magnetometer was deployed at 10:16 UTC and recovered at 5:33 UTC in preparation for the MCS recovery. MCS recovery lasted 03:03 from 04:42. By 05:07, the MCS, multibeam, and echosounder were fully stopped acquiring data. R/V Revelle is now underway to WP 21 with the magnetometer collecting data.
— Emily Schottenfels, Boston University