Daily Summary: R/V Revelle completed its transit to the southern portion of the survey region at 06:45 UTC and we deployed the seismic systems. The PSOs spotted dolphins, so we waited for the dolphins to swim a safe distance away before starting the seismic systems. We began Line 14 at 09:14 UTC. We deployed and began magnetometer line M7 at 10:27 UTC. We completed magnetometer Line M7 at 14:52 UTC and Line 14 at 14:55 UTC. We noticed some issues with the hydrophone on the sound source towards the end of Line 14. This was fixed before starting Line 15 at 17:14 UTC. We began magnetometer line M8 at 20:08 UTC after a slight turn at waypoint 24.
— Kittipong Somchat, Texas A&M University